Tuesday, March 27, 2012

You never quit in all your life.

It's been a while since I've posted, so I figure that now is a good time to update el blog.

Life hasn't been what I've expected the past few weeks. A huge emotional roller coaster.

It's been tough. Still is tough. I have however found joy in the little things even when I can't feel happy all the time. I'm still homesick but my apartment family is getting closer by the day and is making it easier. I find that when you put your love into others it honestly takes the pressure off of yourself and your own troubles and worries. Maybe that ties into "When you're in the service of your fellow beings you are only in the service of your God." But my heart honestly feels lighter. I have the sweetest boyfriend across the hall. All he has to do is come over and smile at me and life gets a little bit brighter. Seriously all of you need to meet him because he is kinda just like a ray of sunshine, ( I'm not even kittens.) :) I've been working everyday as of late at good ol' Ross. Lets just say that it might not be my favorite of jobs but it really isn't bad. It gives me time to think. Okay maybe that is bad, haha.

The lesson I've learned the past couple weeks is this. Maybe you aren't always going to feel your best or be on top of the world. Maybe you're going to struggle and breakdown. Maybe your going to cry yourself to sleep a couple of nights. But you will make it to the next day. Everyday you will become a little bit stronger. Turn to your Heavenly Father. Plead with him to help you, then get off your knees and go to work. He is there. He does love you. He loves me.


  1. Love how you write. Love your pictures. Love your wisdom. Love who you are. xoxo

  2. aw I didn't realize you had a boyfriend now! that's awesome, chick! it's good that you have someone to turn to... :)

  3. Thank you Brittany love. <3 I love you.

    Caryn!!!!! I miss you my dear! I did have one but it's now no more. He is still a very dear friend though. All in Gods time. <3
